How to Protect Your Demat Account from Frauds in India

Demat account offers every investor and trader an easy way to digitally hold their shares and facilitate real-time trading transactions. It allows you to view your entire transaction history and the status of your investment portfolios. Nonetheless, they are still exposed to demat account frauds and scams.

This encourages you to protect your Demat account from fraud to ensure that it doesn't incur you financial losses. There are different tips and strategies you can follow to prevent your Demat account from frauds. Explore how you can protect your Demat account from fraud.


Topics Covered

  • What are the Chances of Fraud in Online Demat Account?
  • How to Protect Your Demat Account from Fraud
  • Conclusion

What are the Chances of Fraud in Online Demat Account?

Securities and Exchange Board of India closely monitors and regulates online Demat accounts. SEBI has enforced strict standards that reduce the likelihood of demat account fraud. However, there are still risks, just as with any online banking service.

These frauds expose you to identity theft, illicit trade, and phishing schemes. As the number of Demat accounts in India increases, it becomes critical to protect these digital depositories.


How to Protect Your Demat Account from Fraud

Following a few preventive measures will help you not to be a victim of Demat account fraud and protect your portfolio from any unwanted activity. Some of these basic steps include the following:


  1. Continuously Monitor of the Demat Account

You must monitor your Demat account statement regularly to detect any unauthorized transactions. You should set up an alert for every transaction that occurs. Such monitoring can help detect fraud and allow investors to act on it.


  1. Always Use Complex and Special Passwords

Setting up robust passwords is the initial and pivotal security responsibility for every Demat account holder. A strong demat account password helps you protect your Demat account from fraud. It is recommended that you use letters, numbers, symbols, and special characters that are challenging. Avoid using values that may be predicted, such as birthdays or names.


  1. Secure Your Devices

Investors and traders should ensure that only secure devices are used to access the Demat account. They should also install reliable anti-virus software, use firewalls, and update the operating system and other applications frequently. Another critical thing that investors need to remember is not to use public or insecure Wi-Fi connections when working with the accounts because they are open to cyber threats.


  1. Keep Contact Information Updated and Private

It is essential to keep the brokerage’s contact information up-to-date. This helps in getting notified of activities, modifications, or even attempted unauthorized access. It cannot be stressed how important it is to keep your account information confidential. Sharing private information, such as login passwords, may be disastrous.


  1. Regularly Review Account Statements

A mismatch or unauthorized transaction that you haven't executed can indicate possible fraudulent activity. Prompt intervention can stop the issue in its tracks and save significant financial loss. This is why it is important to always check account statements and transaction history to find any irregularities in your demat account.


  1. Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a high level security measure used for adding an additional layer of security to the Demat account. However, in order to access the Demat account, a broker needs to provide a password or a PIN that is an alphanumeric combination, or TOTP that is sent to the user’s registered mail ID, mobile number or both.


  1. Freeze Your Account

You must always freeze your account when it is inactive or when you are traveling. Notify your bank or financial institution ahead of time if you intend to travel in order to avoid any unanticipated delays caused by unusual transactions. To prevent demat account fraud or illegal access, consider requesting a temporary account freeze.


  1. Beware of Phishing Scams

Phishing is the process of deceiving people into providing sensitive information by pretending to be legitimate organizations. It demands sharing your account number, emails, messages, phone calls, and other details. Thus, it is important to always check the authenticity of the website before following the links or offering information.


  1. Report Suspicious Activity and Fraud Detection

Identifying any odds with the demat account is the initial way of safeguarding investments against fraud. Suspicious activities include attempted unauthorized access and suspicious login activities. You must report all these activities to your stockbroker to safeguard your account against demat account fraud India.


  1. Reconsider Signing Power of Attorney (POA)

Singing a Power of Attorney (POA) with your broker provides them control over your funds and assets. It does come with certain benefits, but signing a PoA also comes with risks. You must understand the terms and conditions of the POA agreement to make sure they align with your objectives and interests. Also, limited or specific PoA agreements allow you to transfer some responsibilities while maintaining some control over your investments.



The digital demat account has made it easy to engage in the Indian stock market and trade securities. However, it has also exposed investors to a number of demat account fraud cases. The only way to address this effectively is by always being vigilant and following the listed tips.

If you are looking for a safe demat account, open a free demat account with Almondz Trade. With just one single demat account, you can invest in shares, IPO, Future $ Options, commodities, and currencies. The tech-driven trading platform also offers result-oriented advisory that is based on concrete research.

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